ACCURACY: GFM 17, 37 and 47: ±1.0% of full scale. GFM 57, 67 and 77: ±1.5% of full scale.
OPTIONAL ENHANCED ACCURACY: ±1.0% of full scale.
CALIBRATIONS: Performed at standard conditions [14.7 psia (101.4 kPa) and 70 FF (21.1 FC)] unless otherwise requested.
REPEATABILITY: ±0.25% of full scale.
RESPONSE TIME: Generally 2 seconds to within ±2% of actual flow rate over 25 to 100% of full scale.
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT: 0.15% of full scale / FC.
PRESSURE COEFFICIENT: 0.01% of full scale / psi (0.07 bar).
GAS and AMBIENT TEMP.: 32 FF to 122 FF (0 FC to 50 FC). 14 FF to 122 FF (-10 FC to 50 FC) - Dry gases only.
OUTPUT SIGNALS: Linear 0-5 Vdc. 1000 ohms min. load impedance and 4-20 mA 0-500 Ohms loop resistance..
TRANSDUCER INPUT POWER: Universal +12 to +26 VDC, 200 mA maximum.
GAS PRESSURE: 1000 psig (70 bars) maximum GFM 17, 37, 47. 20 psig (1.4 bars) optimum.
500 psig (34.5 bars) GFM 57, 67, 77. 20 psig (1.4 bars) optimum.
a. Aluminum models GFM Series: anodized aluminum, 316 stainless steel, brass and Viton® O-rings.
b. Stainless steel models GFM17S, 37S,47S, 57S, 67S and 77S: 316 stainless steel and Viton® O-rings. Optional O-rings: Buna®, EPR and Kalrez®
ATTITUDE SENSITIVITY: No greater than +15 degree rotation from horizontal to vertical; standard calibration is in horizontal position.
GFC 17: 1/4" compression fittings. Optional: 6mm, 3/8" and 1/8" compression fittings or 1/4" VCR®.
GFC 37: 1/4" compression fittings. Optional: 6mm and 3/8" compression fittings or 1/4" VCR®.
GFM 47: 3/8" compression fittings.
GFM 57: 3/8" compression fittings.
GFM 67: 1/2" compression fittings.
GFM 77: 3/4" FNPT fittings or 3/4" compression fittings.
LEAK INTEGRITY: 1 x 10-9 smL/sec of helium maximum to the outside environment.
CE COMPLIANT: EN 55011 class 1, class B; EN50082-1.
**The selection of materials of construction, is the responsibility of the customer. The company accepts no liability