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Delta Ohm HD3114B Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Data Logger with LCD Display

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Delta Ohm

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Update Terakhir:
30 Jul 2023
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HD3114B is a pressure, temperature and humidity data logger with a large (43 x 58 mm) color graphic LCD display.

The instrument has a built-in precision barometric sensor for the measurement of the atmospheric pressure and the calculation of the following barometric and altimetric derived parameters: barometric tendency and trend, altitude, QNH (atmospheric pressure at mean sealevel calculated considering the international standard atmosphere - ISA), QFE (atmosphericpressure at ground level) and QFF (atmospheric pressure at mean sea level calculated considering the real temperature). The instrument can display the internal temperature of the barometric sensor.

The input for SICRAM probes (intelligent and interchangeable probes capable to store calibrationdata into memory) allows connecting:

  • 4-wire Pt100 temperature probes.
  • Temperature and relative humidity combined probes.
  • TP704/TP705 absolute/relative/differential probes with PP471 module.

The type of SICRAM probe connected is automatically recognized by the instrument.

By connecting a combined relative-humidity and temperature probe, the instrument calculatesthe derived humidity quantities: dew-point temperature, wet-bulb temperature, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, partial vapor pressure, saturated steam pressure, enthalpy. The DI (Discomfort Index) and the NET (Net Effective Temperature) indexes are calculated as well.

The display can show up to 24 quantities, three of which can be displayed simultaneously in numeric format. A real-time measured quantity graph is shown in the display.

The measuring unit can be selected according to the measured physical quantity. 

Data logging function with data storage in CSV format directly into the SD-type Memory Card, fora long logging time (for example, with a 4 GB SD-type card, the logging lasts several monthseven when recording several quantities with the minimum logging interval of 1 second). Userconfigurable storage interval. Manual or programmed logging start/stop. Logging date/time storage of each sample (automatically creates measurement reports in PDF format in the memorycard). Manual RECORD function (acquires the current measurement by simply pressing a button)or automatic RECORD function (acquires the current measurement once per second) for the calculation of minimum, mean and maximum values of the measured quantities.

HOLD function (holds current measurements on the display) and REL function (difference withregard to a stored value).

Functions reserved through user password. USB port with mini-USB connector for PC connection, for configuration and download of the acquired data. The DeltaLog9 application softwareis downloadable from Delta OHM website.

It is provided with MSD (Mass Storage Device) mode, in which the instrument is seen by the PCas a SD card reader, thus allowing direct access to the memory card for displaying, copying ordeleting the logging files.Serial output for the print of the displayed measurements on a RS232C input printer. The BaudRate can be set from 1200 to 115200.

Lithium ion rechargeable battery. Automatic switch-off (may be disabled) after user-configurabledowntime (2, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes) for preserving the battery life. External power supplythrough USB input (with mini-USB connector) by connecting a 5 Vdc power supply unit or a PCUSB port (500 mA at least). With an external power supply unit connected, the battery is recharged and the automatic switch-off is automatically disabled. 

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  • Built-in precision barometric sensor
  • Calculation of altimetric parameters QNH, QFE and QFF used in aeronautics and meteorology
  • One input for temperature, relative humidity and pressure SICRAM probes
  • Automatic recognition of the probes
  • Colour graphic display
  • Graph display of a measure
  • Configurable measuring unit
  • Data logging function with programming of auto start and auto stop
  • Data storing on SD card for long logging duration
  • Automatic creation of pdf reports
  • HOLD and REL (relative measure) functions
  • Detection of minimum, average and maximum values
  • Password protected configuration
  • USB connection to PC
  • Serial output for printer
  • Rechargeable Battery
  • Auto power off (configurable and excludable)

  • Atmospheric pressure:
  • Sensor : Precision piezo-resistive
  • Measuring range: 0…1350 hPa
  • Resolution : 0.01 hPa
  • Accuracy: @ 23 °C ± 0.1 hPa (500…1200 hPa) / ± 0.2 hPa (remaining range)
  • Accuracy @ full temperature range: ± 0.3 hPa (500…1200 hPa) / ± 0.4 hPa (remaining range)
  • Long-term stability: 0.25 hPa / year
  • Available units of measurement: Pa, hPa, kPa, mbar, bar, atm, mmHg, mmH2O, kgf/cm2, PSI, inHg, inH2O
  • Instrument: 
  • Power supply:
  • Rechargeable internal 3.7 V Lithium battery, capacity 2250 mA/h, JST 3-pole connector. Optional external 5 Vdc/1A power supply (SWD05) to be connected at the mini-USB connector of the instrument.
  • Powered by the PC USB port (at least 500 mA) when connected to the PC.
  • Battery autonomy:
  • 15 hours of continuous operation (typical duration starting from a fully charged battery and with one Pt100 probe connected). The actual battery life depends on the type of the probe connected.
  • Logging interval 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 seconds / 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes / 1 hour
  • Storage capacity:
  • SD memory card with capacity up to 4 GB.
  • The logging duration depends on the number of logged quantities and on the capacity of the SD card employed.
  • For example: with a 4GB SD card the duration of the logging is in the order of months, even when many quantities are recorded with the minimum logging interval equal to 1 s.
  • Inputs 1 input with 8-pole DIN45326 connector for Pt100 temperature probes, combined temperature and relative humidity probes, TP704/TP705 pressure probes with PP471 module.
  • The barometric sensor is integrated into the instrument.
  • Clock stability: 1 min/month maximum drift
  • Display: Color graphic LCD. Visible area 43 x 58 mm.
  • USB Connection: 1 USB port with mini-USB connector.
  • RS232C Connection: 1 serial RS232C output with RJ12 (6P6C) connector for connecting to a serial printer. Baud Rate selectable from 1200 to 115200. 
  • Auto power off: Configurable after 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes from last pressure of a key, with battery supply. It can be disabled.
  • Automatically disabled when powered from external supply.
  • Operating conditions: -10 … 60 °C, 0 … 85% RH without condensation.
  • Storage temperature:  -25 … 65 °C
  • Materials: ABS, protective 55 shore rubber bands on the sides. 55 shore rubber protective shell.
  • Dimensions: 172x88x35 mm without rubber protection shell. 180x102x46 mm with rubber protection shell
  • Weight: About 400 g (including batteries and protection shell)
  • Protection degree: IP 64

  • (1) HD3114B Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Data Logger with LCD Display
  • (1) DeltaLog9 software downloadable from Delta OHM website.
  • (1) Lithium ion rechargeable battery
  • (1) SD card
  • (1) Protective rubber shell with magnet
  • (1) USB cable CP31
  • (1) SWD05 power supply
  • (1) Instruction manual and case
  • NOTE:  Modules, probes and serial cable for the printer have to be ordered separately.

Note: Prices are not binding at any time subject to change without prior notice

  HD3114B CERTFICATE 0 Item Selected
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