Elcometer 319 [G319----S1] Dew Point Meter Standard Gauge with USB Connect

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Product Code:
Elcometer NDT
Update Terakhir:
07 Oct 2023
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Elcometer 319 [G319----S1] Dew Point Meter. The Elcometer 319 Dewpoint Meter is a handheld gauge for fast and accuratemeasurement of surface temperature, air temperature and relative humidity. Fromthese measured values, your gauge then calculates dewpoint temperature, deltatemperature, wet bulb temperature, dry bulb temperature and specific humidity.During the application of a coating to a substrate the presence of moisture in theenvironment or on the substrate can cause a poor quality finish with problems suchas weak adhesion of the coating, and premature corrosion of the substrate. Thisgauge helps to avoid such problems by providing the user with an indication of themoisture content of the surrounding micro climate.The gauge is available in two versions; Standard and Top. This manual describesthe operation of both versions of the gauge; any differences between the functionof the two versions are highlighted in the text as [T] or [S]. Both gauges have asimilar appearance; if you are unsure which gauge you are using.

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