Checkline AWS TT-QC [TT-QC-100f] Digital Torque Tester AWS-QC QCF-100, Range 10 - 100 Lb-Ft, 1/2" Drive. For testing click, dial, and digital wrenches,plus most power tools including impulseand electric drivers.Our smallest and lowest cost bench mounttorque tester to date, the TT-QC Quick Checkis perfect for quick equipment verification rightat your workstation. Small and light enoughto use anywhere, this unit can still be usedalongside any metrology grade tester.A unique rotating display(optional) and dual boltpattern allow the tester tobe used in both horizontaland vertical configurations,and make switchingbetween the two modesalmost effortless. It is ideal for switchingbetween pistol grip and inline tool checking.The TT-QC takes just seconds to change testparameters, and works in either one button orautomatic modes of operation. Reliability andease of use are enhanced with features suchas Sign Lock, Peak Blanking and Auto Clear.