Checkline AWS-1000 [AWS-11000] Mechanical Torque Wrench Loader, 1000 lb-ft Capacity. 3 Models Available: AWS-1025: 250 lb-ft / 340 Nm Capacity; AWS-1075: 750 lb-ft / 1000 Nm Capacity; AWS-11000: 1000 lb-ft / 1350 Nm Capacity. The AWS-1000 series mechanical torque wrench loaders are designed for use with our IT Transducers, MTM and TT-QCM torque testers. These precision torque loaders allow operators to precisely test and calibrate torque wrenches up to 1000 lb-ft / 1350 Nm with measuring accuracy up to ± 0.25% of indicated readings, satisfying metrology lab requirements while providing the durability required for production environments. An optional motor kit allows for automated testing, improving speed and repeatability.