Chauvin Arnoux MINI 01 [P01105101Z] 2 - 150 A AC Clamp Meter Adapter. Small and compact, the MINI 01 current clamp is the ideal complement for any multimeter to measure AC currents in low-power tertiary or industrial applications. If there is a current in the conductor clamped, the MINI 01 clamp is protected against overvoltages during disconnection from the measurement instrument. Small, compact and particularly resistant, this range of miniature clamps
is designed for measurements from a few milli-amperes to 150 A AC.
Their shape makes them very practical in confi ned spaces, such as
circuit-breaker boards, control panels or control boxes. They are ideal
for use with multimeters.
There are two types of MINI clamps.
The fi rst type operates like a traditional current transformer and provides
a current output (mA) which can be used with multimeters, loggers or
instruments with current calibres.
The second provides a voltage output proportional to the current
measured. This voltage output enables instruments with AC voltage
calibres to display or store current values.
There is also a model with a DC voltage output.
The MINI clamps give True RMS results when used with a True RMS