Vaisala HMP3 [HMP3-A-2-A-1-A-0-A-0-0-0] General Purpose Humidity and Temperature Probe w/2m Cable, Humicap R2 sensor, No Sensor Purge, 19200 Baud Rate, Plastic Grid & SST Net Filter. Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP3 is a general-purpose
probe designed for various industrial processes. The probe structure allows for
replacing the sensor without tools, making the probe suitable for applications such as
paint booths and other industrial applications where periodic recalibration alone is not
su€cient for maintaining the probe performance. Other applications include, for
example, industrial HVAC systems, cleanrooms, and environmental chambers.
Probe design allows for several operating
environments and flexible field
maintenance. Filter and HUMICAP R2
sensor element are field replaceable for
applications that require frequent
replacements. Calibration and
adjustment of humidity measurement is
also needed if the HUMICAPâ R2 sensor
is replaced.
If purchased with a composite sensor
instead of the field-replaceable
HUMICAPâ R2 sensor, HMP3 can use the
sensor purge feature. In environments
with high concentrations of chemicals
and cleaning agents, sensor purge helps
to maintain measurement accuracy
between calibration intervals.
Sensor purge involves heating the sensor
to remove harmful chemicals. The
function can be initiated manually or
programmed to occur at set intervals.
The probe can be used as a standalone
digital Modbus RTU transmitter over an
RS-485 serial bus, and it can also be
connected to Indigo transmitters and the
Indigo80 handheld indicator. For easyto-use access to field calibration, device
analytics, and configuration functionality,
the probe can be connected to Vaisala
Insight software for Windows.
Indigo transmitters extend the
capabilities of Indigo-compatible
measurement probes. The transmitters
can display measurements on the spot as
well as transmit them to automation
systems through analog signals, digital
outputs, and relays. Cable length
between probe and transmitter can be
extended to up to 30 meters.
The Indigo80 handheld indicator is ideal
for spot-checking and process
monitoring, as well as for configuring,
troubleshooting, calibrating, and
adjusting the probe.