• Isotech Gemini 976 R [976 GEMINI R] Blackbody Source 30 to 550°C

Isotech Gemini 976 R [976 GEMINI R] Blackbody Source 30 to 550°C

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Update Terakhir:
13 May 2017
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The Gemini R is a blackbody source with which radiation pyrometers, commonly referred to as IR sensors, can be calibrated. With a temperature range of 30 to 550°C, or 700°C, the temperature of the cavity can be set with 0.1°C resolution. The temperature of the furnace is set and indicated on a PID controller. An independent indicator is also provided for higher accuracy with a standard probe, which indicates the actual radiance temperature. Temperature variation over a 5-minute period, as viewed on the temperature controller, is ±0.2°C and a radiation thermometer directed into the cavity detects similar variations.

The Gemini R's cavity's size is 2.5" Ø x 6.3" deep (65mm x 160mm). Maximum temperature differences are ±1°C in the range of 100 to 500°C. The Gemini R is capable of accepting blackbody fixed points to achieve the highest level of a radiation measurement possible. Typical fixed-point uncertainties are ±0.25°C. Gallium, indium, tin and zinc cells are available.

Emissivity is greater than 0.995, and a calibration certificate is available for the built-in indicator and/or supplied probe. The Gemini R can be supplied with RS232 or RS422 communications.

Cal Notepad software now comes standard with the Isotech 976 Gemini R. Cal NotePad Software automatically logs and displays the temperature of an Isotech calibration bath together with the sensor under test. Cal Notepad can be used with baths (or indicators) without PC interfaces by the user typing in values from the keyboard.

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