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Casella CEL-242 [CEL-242] Digital Logging Sound Level Meter Type 2 w/ Standard Accessories
4 - 6 WEEKS
Casella CEL-242 [CEL-242/K1] Digital Logging Sound Level Meter Type 2 Kit
4 - 6 WEEKS
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Casella CEL-242 Digital Logging Sound Level Meter Type 2

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4 - 6 WEEKS
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Update Terakhir:
17 Nov 2024
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Casella CEL-242 Digital Logging Sound Level Meter Type 2. The CEL-242 is a completelynew design of a noise meter withmemory. It features the power ofDigital Signal Processing (DSP)technology and the simplicity andlow cost of a traditional analoginstrument. It can be used for awide range of simple noisemeasurement roles and issuitable for many everyday tasks.Complying with all the ANSI andIEC accuracy specifications inthe Type 2 category the CEL-242will appeal to new andexperienced users alike whoneed data logging of noise levels. Digital Logging Sound Level Meter Type 2 with standard accessoriesAcoustic calibrator Class 2 114 dB at 1 kHzFoam windscreen to protect against wind induced interferenceAttaché foam lined kit case for meter and standard accessoriesUSB mini B cable from meter to computer for remote power/downloaddB24 software for data logging in spreadsheet format file. Standard sound level meter kit including meter, calibrator, windscreenand kit case plus various accessories, batteries, wrist strap etc.All items in K1 kit plus CMC51 USB cable to pc plus dB24 softwarePack of 6 x CEL-242 sound level meters for larger bulk purchases. The new CEL-242 features astandard ¼” threaded socket onthe back of the meter to allow itto be mounted on a tripod forfixed measurement applications.The meter is powered from 3 xAA alkaline batteries and will runfor up to 35 hours on its own orcontinuously when powered froma mains-to-USB style adaptor orfrom a computer. Digital outputvia a USB mini B socket isavailable plus analog ac (or dc)voltage output through a 2.5mmjack socket to connect the CEL242 to other external computersor recorders. Standard orcomputer output kits areavailable to the optional WindowsdB24 software package. Applications: The CEL-242 has a low and highmeasurement range that coversa full 70dB on each range. It canbe used for machinery noisesurveys as well as all generalpurpose workplace noise levelmeasurements. With the A and Cfrequency scales and the S, Fand I time response the metercan be used to assess the righthearing protectors using the NRRmethod. A non-decayingmaximum hold feature on everydisplay captures and displays thehighest sound pressure level ofany noise until reset by the user.The on-board memory allows forsimple data logging to beperformed with up to 65,000samples in each of 100 runs.

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