Onset HOBO UA-003-64 Pendant Event Data Logger accurately determines rainfall rates, times, and durations after deployment (with most standard tipping-bucket rain gauges). Efficiently gather and store momentary contact events and temperature data. Additionally, gain access to detailed event data. Event data is only stored when it happens for better memory usage. Use a solar radiation shield for accurate temperature measurement in sunlight applications. See RS1 Solar Radiation Shield (assembly required) and M-RSA (pre-assembled) Solar Radiation Shield.|For a self-contained rainfall logger, see the HOBO RG3 which includes a data logger integrated into a tipping-bucket rain gauge.
Note:UA-003-64 data loggers require the HOBOware software (free to download) to operate. Please also note that a USB interface cable comes with the purchase of a HOBOware Pro CD (BHW-PRO-CD), only.