KIMO MP 55 [MP55] Atmospheric Pressure Micro Manometer (700 to 1100mbar)

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Product Code:
KIMO Instruments
Update Terakhir:
13 May 2017
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KIMO KIMO's MP55 is a small, easy-to-use manometer made for testing atmospheric pressure levels.

The KIMO MP55 can test pressure in mbar, mmHg and hPa with the ability to switch between measurement modes with a simple button press. The measurement range from 700 to 1100mbar with accuracy of ±2mbar and resolution of 0.1mbar, 0.1mmHg and 0.1hPa.

Supplied as standard with silicone hoses which can be used in a wide variety of applications, the KIMO MP55 has 6.2mm diameter brass barbed connectors situated at the top of the instrument.

The KIMO MP55 includes both an autozero (when powering on) and a manual zeroing function to ensure accuracy is maintained when testing. It also comes with a HOLD function, allowing you to freeze the current value on the screen.

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