• Alicat Scientific MC Series Mass Flow Controllers

Alicat Scientific MC Series Mass Flow Controllers

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Alicat Scientific

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Alicat Scientific
Update Terakhir:
23 Mar 2024
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The Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers were designed to take the guess work out of precision gas flow control. Designed for simplicity, the Alicat Scientific mass flow controllers are very easy to use. The local display permits changes to the configuration of the unit without the need for computers, complicated software or scripts.

The Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers have a standard accuracy calibration of ±(0.8% of reading + 0.2% of full scale). A high-accuracy calibration of up to ±(0.4% of reading + 0.2% of full scale) is also available. The MC series mass flow controllers have very few moving parts. All of the internal components are fixed in place, resulting in very little physical change inside the controller, resulting in higher rates of consistency and a repeatability of ±0.2% of FS.

The Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers require very little power to run thereby reducing operating costs. The MC series flow controllers also have less pressure drop when compared to similar flow devices. Reduced pressure drop means more process fluids go into your process and not into the measurement devices. The MC series mass flow controllers also measure pressure, temperature, and volumetric flow in addition to mass flow which means fewer instruments to buy and install.
Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers have a response time of less than 10 milliseconds and a control time of 100 milliseconds, making it one of the fastest naturally responding mass flow controllers on the market today. They are equipped with multiple analog outputs and inputs. Adding a totalizer allows users to see how much media has flowed through the controller, making it a great way to monitor usage and identify waste. The Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers can also be used in applications where flow control into a vacuum is critical. The modular design allows it to be used in systems in which flow is driven by a vacuum.

The Alicat Scientific MC series mass flow controllers are ideal instruments for a variety of processes including: fuel cell testing, vacuum coating, sputtering, process automation, semiconductor processing, micro electro mechanical (MEMs), solar cell manufacturing and flame tip control.

  • Measure mass flow, volumetric flow, pressure (PSIA), temperature
  • Digital display
  • Pressure and temperature measurements taken and displayed in the same unit
  • Mass flow controllers can be set by user to control pressure
  • Multiple digital & analog inputs and outputs
  • Digital and analog input and output available on the same device
  • 200:1 turndown ratio allows the flow measurement at 1/100th of its full scale rating
  • 30 gas select on all units to reduce inventory costs
  • Control range from 1% to 100% of full scale flow
  • Tunable P & D to fine tune instrument's response speed
  • Optional remote display and remote electronics 
  • available
  • NIST traceable

  • Mass Flow Accuracy at calibration conditions1: ±0.8% of reading and ±0.2% of full scale
  • High Accuracy Option1: ±0.4% of reading and ±0.2% of full scale; Only available for ≥5 SCCM models
  • Repeatability (2σ); ±(0.2% of reading + 0.02% of full scale)
  • Steady State Control Range2: 0.01%–100% of full scale
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Mass fl ow zero and span shift: 0.02% of full scale per ºC from 25°C
  • Pressure Sensitivity: Mass flow zero and span shift: ±(0.08% of reading + 0.02% of full scale) per atm from calibration conditions
  • Operating Temperature Range: -10–60°C (expanded range available)
  • Temperature Accuracy: ±0.75°C
  • Operating Pressure full scale: 160 PSIA (additional options available)
  • Pressure Accuracy above 1 atm: ±0.5% of reading
  • Pressure Accuracy below 1 atm: ±0.07 PSIA
  • Totalizer Volume Uncertainty:  ±0.5% of reading in addition to base acccuracy (above)
  • Sensor Response Time: <1 ms
  • Typical Indication Response Time3: 100–1000 ms (fl ow rate dependent)
  • Typical Warm-Up Time: <1 s
  • 1 Stated accuracy is after tare under equilibrium conditions. Extreme gas behavior (especially near state boundaries) can introduce additional fl ow uncertainties.
  • 2 Achievable steady state control may be limited by user-confi gurable PID tuning and process conditions. Dynamic control performance is also limited by control response time, which may vary with the fl ow rate.
  • 3 Indication response time includes user adjustable averaging up to 255 ms.
  • Minimum Operating Pressure: 11.5 PSIA common mode pressure (lower operating pressures available).; Differential pressure must exceed model pressure drop, see below for details.
  • Maximum Operating Pressure: Damage possible above 175 PSIA common mode pressure.; Damage possible above 75 PSID diff erential pressure.
  • Ingress Protection: IP40 (consult Alicat for weatherproofi ng options)
  • Humidity Range: 0–95%, non-condensing
  • Wetted Materials: 302 / 303 / 304 / 430FR stainless steel, Viton®, heat-cured silicone rubber, glass-reinforced polyamide, heat-cured epoxy, aluminum, gold, brass, silicon, glass
  • Analog I/O Options: 4–20 mA, 0–5 VDC, 1–5 VDC, 0–10 VDC
  • Digital I/O Options:  RS-232 Serial by default; RS-485 Serial, Modbus RTU (over RS-232 or RS-485), Modbus TCP/IP,DeviceNet, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Profi bus
  • Electrical Connection Options: 6 pin locking, 8 pin mini-DIN, 8 pin M12, DB-9, DB-15
  • Power Requirements4:12–24 VDC, 250 mA (290 mA if equipped with 4–20 mA output)
  • Data Update Rate Serial4 40 Hz at 19200 baud
  • Data Update Rate Analog4 1 kHz
  • Display Update Rate 10 Hz
  • Analog Signal Accuracy ±0.1% of full scale additional uncertainty
  • Typical Control Response Time 100–4000 ms to 63% of step change (T63), user adjustable
  • Valve Function Normally Closed
  • 4 Consult the individual operating bulletins for specifi c industrial protocol power requirements and data transmission specifications.

  • (1) User Manual


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