The Aalborg GFC mass flow controller is designed to indicate and control set flow rates of gases. The Aalborg GFC mass flow controller combines the characteristics and accuracy of conventional mass flow devices into a unique compact design at low costs previously unattainable.
Each Aalborg GFC mass flow controller incorporates an advanced straight tube sensor in conjunction with flow passage elements constructed of aluminum and brass for non-corrosive gases. For corrosive applications, a 316 stainless steel model of the Aalborg GFC mass flow controller is available. Zero and span adjustments are accessible from the transmitter exterior.
Compact and self-contained, the Aalborg GFC mass flow controller has a rugged design that is coupled with instrumentation-grade accuracy to provide versatile and economical means of flow control. Aalborg GFC mass flow controllers have readout options of either engineering units (standard) or 0 to 100% displays displays.