Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP1 is designed for ambient measurement in indoor spaces. Its probe head and body are integrated into a single unit with no cable between them. HMP1 can be directly connected to Indigo200 series transmitters to form a single wall-mounted unit. The probe can be used as a standalone digital Modbus RTU transmitter over an RS-485 serial bus, and it can also be connected to Indigo transmitters and the Indigo80 handheld indicator. For easyto-use access to field calibration, device analytics, and configuration functionality, the probe can be connected to Vaisala Insight software for Windows. ts of contaminants. In environments with high
concentrations of chemicals and cleaning
agents, the sensor purge option helps to
maintain measurement accuracy
between calibration intervals.
Sensor purge involves heating the sensor
to remove harmful chemicals. The
function can be initiated manually or
programmed to occur at set intervals. HMP1 probe is delivered with a probe
holder for wall mounting. The probe
holder provides a secure attachment that
allows the probe to be removed without
removing the base of the holder. With an Indigo200 series transmitter,
HMP1 forms a single wall-mounted unit
with no probe cable or probe holder
needed. Just push the probe directly into
the connector on the transmitter and
turn the locking wheel to hold the probe
in place. Probe settings can be
configured through the transmitter.