Global Global Water’s WQ201 pH Sensor is a rugged and reliable water pH measuring device. The pH transmitter is mounted on 25 ft of marine grade cable, with lengths up to 500 ft available upon request. The sensor’s output is 4-20 mA with a three-wire configuration. The WQ201’s electronics are completely encapsulated in marine grade epoxy within a stainless steel housing. The unit also uses a removable shield and replaceable pH sensor element for easy maintenance.
Record and Control As with all of Global Water’s 4-20 mA output sensors, you can add recording and control capabilities to the WQ201 with the GL500 Datalogger and the PC320 Controller. The GL500 connects to the pH sensor’s 4-20 mA output to record data, and the PC320 Controller connects to the sensor’s output to control pumps or alarms.