• Hach CN-65 [225401] Chlorine (Total) Drop Count Titrator Test Kit

Hach CN-65 [225401] Chlorine (Total) Drop Count Titrator Test Kit

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Update Terakhir:
03 Mar 2023
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The most widely used disinfectant for drinking water, chlorine is also important for sanitizing swimming pools, cooling towers, other industrial equipment, and in the treatment of municipal wastewater. Its measurement and control are vital for both safety and economic reasons.

Many Hach chlorine tests have been accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for reporting purposes. Chlorine test kits containing DPD colorimetric reagent are used most often for monitoring potable water, swimming pools, and waste effluent. Powder DPD reacts with chlorine more quickly than tablet-form DPD, giving more accurate results. Powder DPD also has a considerable advantage over orthotolidine, a hazardous substance sometimes used as a chlorine test reagent.

Chlorine Test Kits are manufactured by Hach Company to ensure compliance with stringent quality control standards.

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