Dranetz Power Loggers

Power and Energy Loggers measure and save (data log) important parameters, i.e., Voltage, Current, Frequency, Harmonics, Watts, VARS, VA and Energy (kWh and kVAh, kVAh), Power Factor & Displacement Power Factor (DPF), Crest Factor, THD, and waveforms.

In these modern days, rising costs of most goods and services force us to continually evaluate and modify our purchasing habits in order to obtain the greatest efficiencies. Having and maintaining this information at our finger tips allows us to react and plan. It is also understandable that as Power and Energy costs increase, we need a mechanism to be able to evaluate our needs and power and energy use. Understanding what is needed and what is being used gives us greater insight into the manner in which we may react and plan our use. The measurement of “how much and when” regarding power and energy is vital and the instruments used are Power and Energy Loggers.

Power loggers are chosen on the basis of information desired and report capability as well as parameters required, length of time for recording values, hand-held, portable, bench top, with or without displays, wiring system (single phase or three phase), and related problems in the system. Many loggers, both Energy and Power, may be programmable and chosen based on the environment capability. There are many alternate displays that may be chosen. Below are examples “only” of a digital display as well as a graphical display. Many Instruments offer both utilizing existing display panels as an integral part of the Instrument as well as software used with a laptop or PC.