Defelsko Salt and Dust Contamination

Surface contamination from soluble salts and residual blasting media are major factors affecting the long-term performance of coatings on steel surfaces. DeFelsko offers tests for measuring the concentration of soluble salts and for assessing the quantity and size of dust particles on blast cleaned surfaces.

The PosiTector SST Soluble Salt Tester measures the concentration of soluble salts on metal surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-6,9. The PosiTest DT Dust Tape Test assesses the quantity and size of dust particles on blast cleaned surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-3.

Conforms to ISO 8502-3/-6/-9, US Navy PPI 63101-000, U.S. Navy NAVSEA NSI 009-32, AS 2894.6, IMO MSC.215(82), IMO MSC.244(83), SSPC Guide 15, ISO 11127-6, ASTM D4940