The 9200 Series can replace multiple supplies onyour bench or in your rack. Unlike conventionalsupplies with fixed output ratings, the 9200Series automatically recalculates voltage andcurrent limits for each setting, providing maxoutput power in any Volt/Amp combination withinthe rated voltage and current limits.These supplies provide a numerical keypad fordirect entry of voltage and current values alongwith convenient cursors and a rotary knob toquickly make incremental voltage and currentchanges. For remote control, the standard USB,RS232, and GPIB interfaces supporting SCPIcommands can be used to remotely control the power supplies via a PC. Alternatively, users cancontrol the power supply, execute test sequencesor log measurements using the provided PCsoftware application. This software alsointegrates with Data Dashboard for LabVIEWapps enabling iOS, Android, or Windows 8compatible tablets or smartphones to remotelymonitor select measurement indicators.These features make the 9200 Series suitable fora wide range of applications including productiontesting, R&D, electronic field service, andeducation.