• Wohler UL 23 [3630] Ultrasonic Leak Detector

Wohler UL 23 [3630] Ultrasonic Leak Detector

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Update Terakhir:
13 May 2017
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The Ultrasonic sound generator US 23 is used to detect leaks in enclosures which are not under pressure.

As the device is able to detect leaks in different types of medium (gas, liquid), there is a great number of different applications, especially in the sectors heating, air-conditioning, buildings. So the UL 23 is an effective and cost saving device that helps the workman and the ingenieur to resolve many leakage-problems.

The UL 23 is capable of hearing leaks from over forty feet away, but it is best to hold the instrument as close to the test area as safely possible. Check around fittings and piping using a zigzag motion, carefully covering all suspected areas. If there is no ultrasonic sound present, the display should not have any lights on. When an ultrasonic signal generated from a leak is detected, it will be indicated by an increase in the LED meter, and a rushing sound will be hard in the headset. This sound will become more intense, and the meter reading will increase as the instrument is drawn closer to the leak point.

If there is noise in the area and the display is at maximum, reduce the sensitivity until the lights disappear. The display reading is only for relative measurements (comparisons). Two lights versus ten can mean two things. Either you are far from a given leak, or the leak is smaller than the one that produces ten lights. Use the sound intensity in the headset and the varying lights to guide you toward the leak point. Reducing the sensitivity as you approach the leak will verify that you are on the right path since the indications will increase in the direction of the leak. 

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