• Testo 176P1 [0572 1767] 5-Channel Pressure, Temperature, Humidity Data Logger

Testo 176P1 [0572 1767] 5-Channel Pressure, Temperature, Humidity Data Logger

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Product Code:
0572 1767
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The Testo 176 P1 (0572 1767) 5-Channel Pressure, Temperature, Humidity Data Logger has a large display that makes it easy to read. The 176 P1 is an ideal pressure, temperature, and RH data logger for the highly accurate and secure documentation of conditions in a laboratory, environment chamber, clean room, or hospital control area. It is well suited for long term measurements with internal storage for 2 million measurement values.

Monitoring and Documentation of Laboratory Conditions

The ambient conditions for research projects must frequently be documented in laboratories to check external influencing factors. In addition to recording temperature and humidity, this also includes checking the absolute pressure. There are major requirements in terms of reliability, along with tamper-proofing and data security of the recording instrument, as incorrect documentation could invalidate the whole research result. There are only a few instruments, including the 176 P1, which can log all three measurement parameters at the same time and also offer the required amount of data security.

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