The Edgetech DewMaster chilled mirror dew point hygrometer is capable of measuring dew point, absolute pressure, PPMv and other psychometric variables. Available with single, dual, and three stage chilled mirrors the Edgetech DewMaster allows a 45, 65, and 90°C depression respectively and a temperature range up to -75 to 100°C. Automatic balance control (ABC) automatically corrects for most mirror contaminants and re-standardizes the instrument.
Other features of the Edgetech DewMaster include serial and analog inputs and RS232 communications. A dual alarm capability that is user programmable and can be set for latching or auto-reset mode. The RS232 communication on the Edgetech DewMaster allows for remote programming and data output such as dew point and alarm status.
Explosion proof sensor housing is available as an option for the Edgetech DewMaster dew point hygrometer. A pressure transducer input is included on the unit for psychrometric variables.
Primary method chilled mirror sensor provides extremely accurate dew/frost point temperature measurement
Drift free and certified against NIST traceable standards
Best in class air cooled temperature depression
Automatic Balance Control mode provides correction for optics contaminants
Easy sensor access and serviceability
Multiple interface options are standard
Fan or liquid cooled sensors are available for low dew/frost point measurement
Other Key Points:
Robust, easily cleaned chilled mirror hygrometer for industrial applications
Remotely or locally mounted sensor options
Desk top, rack mount, or NEMA 4X enclosure options
Pressure compensated dew/frost point measurement and temperature probe options
Custom sampling systems available
Data acquisition modules with wireless connectivity available
Can be configured for ambient air measurements, positive pressure or equipped with sample extraction pump
Measurement Performance:
Relative Humidity and PPMv Ranges: 0 to 100% RH with all sensors, non-condensing conditions 0 to 999,999 PPMv with all sensors, non-condensing conditions
Accuracy, All Sensors: ±0.2°C (0.36°F) dew/frost point standard; ±0.1°C (0.18°F) dew/frost point optional; ±0.5% of full scale pressure
Remote Sensors: Up to 250 feet (76 meters) from console with cable
Air Temperature Sensor Range: -100 to 250°C (-148 to 482°F); ±0.1°C accuracy
Weight: Bench-Top: 6 lb. (2.8 kg); Rack Mount: 7 lb. (3.2 kg); NEMA 4: 19 lb. (8.6 kg)
Bench-Top with S3 Mounted: 11 in. W x 5.2 in. H x 17 in. D (27.9 cm W x 13.2 cm H x 43.2 cm D);
Rack Mount with S3 Mounted: 19 in. W x 7 in. H x 17 in. D (48.3 cm W x 17.8 cm H x 43.2 cm D) Standard rack panel mounting dimensions
NEMA 4: 11.6 in. W x 13.6 in. H x 6.2in D (29.5cm W x 34.6 cm H x 15.9 cm D)
Bench-top: Standard
Rack Mount: Optional
Wall-mount NEMA 4: Optional
Sensor Materials: Chromium, glass, epoxy, and anodized aluminum or 316 stainless steel
Power Requirements: 90 to 230 VAC ±10%, 50 to 400Hz
Operating Temperature: Control Unit: -10 to 60°C (15 to 140°F); Sensors: -40 to 100°C (-40 to 212°F)
Auxiliary Coolant: To augment temperature depression capability of sensor when necessary: Water (or other liquid): 0.5 gal/min (2 l/min) at 100 psia maximum
Sample Pressure Range: Depends on sensor model, see chart above and consult Edgetech Instruments Inc
Sample Flow Rate: 0.5/5.0 SCFH (0.25 to 2.4 l/min)
Outputs (3 outputs available): 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 Vdc, RS-232
Track Or Hold: Outputs (analog and digital), alarms can be set to track or hold while in Automatic Balance Control or programming mode
Alarms: Two Form C, SPDT alarm relays rated for 3 A at 24 Vdc, 120 Vac. Alarm mode (high or low) programmable from keyboard or RS-232. Alarm set points programmable from -99.9 to 99.9°C (-148 to 212°F) from keyboard or via RS-232, alarm can be latched or unlatched
Display: 8 line LCD graphic data display, backlight; 3 parameters display simultaneously