• Tektronix DPO5000B Series [DPO5204B] 2 GHz, 4 Channel, Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope

Tektronix DPO5000B Series [DPO5204B] 2 GHz, 4 Channel, Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope

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The MSO/DPO5000B Series oscilloscopes, designed for engineers debugging and verifying complex systems, provide exceptional signal fidelity, and advanced analysis and math capabilities, for your bench or for your lab. MSO models include 16 digital timing channels and all models can be equipped to decode common serial protocols—providing a comprehensive view of your systems. Plus, you can run Windows®-based analysis software right on the scope.

The DPO5204B is a 4-channel 2GHz Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope, designing with today's faster data rates and tighter timing margins requires an oscilloscope with outstanding signal acquisition performance and analysis capabilities. Tektronix DPO5000B series oscilloscope provide exceptional signal fidelity with 2GHz bandwidth and 10GS/s sample rate, along with advanced analysis and math capabilities, on bench and in lab. Run Windows®-based analysis software right on the oscilloscope. Point and click Visual Triggers enable to capture complex signals with ease.

  • 2 GHz, 4-channels
  • Up to 10 GS/s real-time sample rate on one or two channels; up to 5 GS/s on all four channels
  • Up to 250 megapoint record length with MultiView zoom™
  • >250,000 wfms/s max. waveform capture rate with FastAcq™ acquisition
  • FastFrame™ segmented memory acquisition mode with up to 290,000 segments and >310,000 waveforms per second capture rate
  • Standard 10 MΩ passive voltage probes with less than 4 pF capacitive loading and 1 GHz analog bandwidth
  • >11 bits vertical resolution using HiRes sampling
  • User-selectable bandwidth limit and DSP filters for lower noise and better measurement accuracy
  • Optional Serial Triggering and Technology Specific Analysis
  • Standard removable hard disk drive (≥480 GB)
  • Microsoft® Windows 7 64-bit Operating System
  • USB, LAN (LXI-C)


  • (1)  Passive Voltage Probe per Analog Channel (TPP0500 500MHz, 10X, 3,9pF)
  • (1) Front cover
  • (1) Touchscreen stylus
  • (1) User's manual
  • (1) Accessory pouch
  • (1) Mouse
  • (1) Calibration certificate


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