The SBS-3510 uses oscillating U-tube technology to measure specific gravityand temperature of lead acid or nickel cadmium batteries within seconds.The unit is able to take readings between the range of 0.0000 to 3.0000.With the ability to communicate wirelessly to a printer or computer via theintegrated Bluetooth interface, testing results can be uploaded into aneasy-to-read report.
Unlike other digital hydrometers on the market, the measuring cell canbe replaced if damage occurs. This design feature eliminates the need toreplace the entire unit should the measuring cell become damaged.Maintaining the digital hydrometer through proper maintenance is essentialto long lasting service life and accuracy. SBS recommends a maintenanceinterval of at least once a year. SBS is able to meet all digital service needs.
Data Centers
Material Handling
Battery Manufacturing
Measures specific gravity, ambient temperature and count
Tests both lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries
Time savings: 5 times faster than conventional methods